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Silver lining

by | Jul 13, 2015 | Business, Life | 1 comment

I try to find a silver lining in everything.

Last week was no different. We were headed down to Iowa for my Grandmother’s funeral. Not an easy day, but she was blessed to live a nice 94 years.

I thought the silver lining for the day was that I would be able to write for the 6 hour long car ride. What I soon realized was that the greatest silver lining was my nephew Spencer who rode along with us. Let me tell you, the kid is awesome. He is a full grown man, but in my simpleton mind I refer to him as a kid, it makes me feel younger.

Spencer is not only my nephew, he is the tech savvy and marketing brains behind this blog and photographer for all of the great photos. Believe me you will know when I have taken the picture. Spencer does have a life and refuses to live with me and photograph my every whim. Some peoples kids. 🙂

Let me give you some examples of his amazing photographer skills. The photos on the left are my sad attempts at taking a photo and the photos on the right are Spencer’s brillance.

Exhibit A:  Personally I would play with the digger on the right.  The one on the left is so….non inviting.

Exhibit B: These snowman are actually for sale in my shop.  Bless my little heart for even trying to make it look like Christmas.

Exhibit C:  These pictures are taken by Spencer.  No need to show my attempts.  I think you get the idea.

So, after picking up Spencer at his house we had the usual catching up conversations. It had been a whole week since we saw him. There was a lot to cover.

I hesitated to bring up “work” with him because this was a family day. However, he eventually asked how the blog was going.

I vented that I was not good at the technology side of adding pictures to my blog. I find the inspiration for my posts in my pictures and in my mind the writing flows and the pictures are perfectly and appropriately placed. Not so much in real life. So I went on and on about how it was so frustrating developing this part of  a post. And typical me after spending an hour trying to figure out how to attach a picture in the appropriate spot, and failing miserably, I throw my laptop into the lake. Figuratively speaking of course.

Spencer listens through for my entire tirade, nodding and taking it all in.  He lets me finish and responds in the most understanding tone, “Take a breath.”

Told you he was awesome and a beautiful silver lining on a not so happy day.

If you need to take a breath, this is where you can find Spencer.