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Side Note Saturday: Help!

by | Oct 3, 2015 | Quick Thoughts, Sidenote Saturday | 1 comment

I need your opinion.

I bought these original heavy drop cloth bank bags and now I don’t know what to do with them.

I was originally thinking about making a table runner. I thought it would be a great conversation piece.

Let’s say your husband has invited his work colleague and his wife over for dinner. You don’t know each other and you surely don’t want to talk shop. What a great conversation starter these bags as a table runner could be!

Use your imagination a little and visualize it. Okay maybe use your imagination a lot. 🙂

Sitting down for dinner:

Them: My what an interesting table runner!

You: I know, right! Why thank you. I recently purchased these bags and blah, blah, blah… the conversation flows from there. 🙂

You might have caught a glimpse of them during the house tour also.

I folded some of the bags down and used them around the base of some mum plants.

Kinda cute, not super exciting.

What should I make out of these? Opinions please. 🙂

See you on Monday.