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Traveling to Iowa

by | Sep 19, 2016 | Life

This past weekend we traveled down to Iowa for a family get together at my sister’s house. While we were all watching football in her living room, I noticed that she had two of the very first pillows I ever made.

Five years ago this October, I started my pillow business on Etsy. The original name of my shop was PoohPoohPillows.

Pooh, as in Winnie the Pooh, not as in your dog has to be let out 🙂 When I was little my dad had nicknames for my sisters and I. My oldest sister Carrie’s nickname was CaCa. Julee, my middle sister was named Rugi and my name was Pooh. And that’s where the name PoohPoohPillows came from.

The pillows Carrie had in her living room, were ones I had made before PoohPoohPillows even started. Who knew that a hot glue gun exposed turquoise blue felt flower would grow into what it is today.

I’ve mentioned this in a blog before, but once I added home decor items I changed the name of my shop to Old Lake George to show that I was more than just pillows, but it was nice to be reminded of where this all started.

My niece Emmalee is a hoot, so I asked her to help me showcase the original PoohPooh pillow. Here’s how that turned out 🙂

Then I asked the family to join her in expressing such joy for the original PoohPooh pillow…. which was about as easy as herding kittens.

We did eventually get a fun family photo which included the pillow. Crazy family. 🙂

Here’s hoping you all had a fun weekend also!
