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Before and After Photos 2016

by | Dec 14, 2016 | Life

One of the first blogs I’ve ever read and look forward to reading every day is  Lindsey is the brilliant woman behind this blog of photos and from her own words, this is what her blog is all about.

What is this blog all about?  Better After is a great big compilation of the very best before and after projects out there in the webosphere.  It’s very simple.  Before and After.  No fifteen-paragraph tutorials to wade through, no endless scrolling through every nut, bolt and angle of the project, just a before and an after, and a link to find out more.  Ok, and a little bit of me adding my two cents. Can’t help myself.

I’ve noticed a trend in my own blog. The greatest response I get to any blog post is when I post the final reveal of a project.

So for the rest of this year, I am going to post only the before and after pictures from past projects and maybe throw in a couple of new before and afters in there for good measure.

Today is the before and after from one of my very first posts and probably the only human and best before and after post this blog will ever have.  😉

Remember Alyssa? My gracious, tiny boned, zero percent body fat, athletic friend Alyssa? Here is a photo of her 10 and a half months pregnant.

And here is the red-haired, spirited, loving baby Liam after.

More before and after photos coming your way on Saturday.
