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Heard It Thru the Grapevine

Heard It Thru the Grapevine


Working from home is a wonderful thing. My commute to the studio is 17 steps. Oh wait, what’s that? You would like to see another picture of my staircase? If you insist.


I love being in my home and sewing and staging photo opps. I can, and do do this all day, every day.

But one particular day, Alyssa text me to tell me that she made some grapevine wreaths that she would like to put in my shop. She was willing to bring them over to the house, but I suggested that instead I could come to her house and see them.

It was a totally selfish request. I wanted to see her cutest-ever little boys that I love dearly, not to mention a chance to see her beautifully decorated home. There might be an Alyssa’s home tour on the blog in her future.


Alyssa is one of the decorator contributors in my shop with items such as this, and this and this.

After playing with the boys, it was time to get down to working and taking a look at her grapevine wreaths.

The day was overcast which made for some great pictures.

Alyssa and her family live on a 3.5 acre wooded property. They are surrounded by birch, oak and other varieties of trees along with beautiful gardens. Also tangled within all of those trees are miles of grapevines.

We took a 2 minute walk down the lane to where there was a nice section of vines.


Alyssa is a petite but incredibly strong young woman. Those vines were tough to untangle and yank from the ground, but she did it!


Since it was just the two of us doing this, I was so relieved that I needed to take the photos. Because… well, somebody had to photograph and somebody had to yank. : )

Side note: You may be wondering where the boys were while we were outside? Grandma Kelly and Grandpa John were visiting for a couple of days and were inside enjoying their grandsons. Earlier while I was snapping away taking pictures of this little ham, you can see Kelly and John in the background playing with big brother.

Seriously? Those are smiles of pure love and joy.

Back to the grapevines.

After we, and by we I mean Alyssa, collected several yards of vines; the next step was to wrap them. She started at one end of a vine and maneuvered them it into a circle. She does not use any wire or twine to hold everything together. The art of wrapping holds the grapevines shape.

We have been brain storming about all of the ways these wreaths can be used. These are only the tip of the iceberg.


Other uses can be table centerpieces, teacher gifts, garden décor, and even home décor.

I have listed Alyssa’s wreaths here. So put on your thinking cap or in this day in age, warm up your Pinterest finger.

Have a beautiful spring weekend,
