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Fish Fry, DIY and Pinterest

by | Sep 28, 2015 | DIY | 2 comments

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a great weekend. It was a top 10 day here this weekend in Minnesota!

I took this picture yesterday. You can see what amazing weather we had, June temperatures in late September. Beautiful.

Let me introduce you to my neighbor.

Everyone, this is Jimmy.

Jimmy, this is everyone.

Jimmy and his cute as a button wife Nikki live two doors down from us. You may remember me mentioning my neighbor that works at the local tree farm? He cuts the birch tree branches for me that I use to make these candlesticks.

This is him. (Nikki said she wasn’t ready for a photo, silly Nikki. I’ll catch you next time.)

Jimmy and Nikki both love to mill around on Pinterest. Not only do the pin ideas to their boards, they actually make the ideas they pin.

Last weekend they invited us over for a fish fry.

Fish fry. Someone else making dinner. Win-Win.

They deep fat fried the fish out in their garage. Very smart, plus it was another beautiful Minnesota evening.

While Jimmy was frying, I noticed this tool organizer on the wall.

I asked him where he got it and he causally said that he made it off of an idea from Pinterest.

So today I would like to share with you the steps he took to make this.

He started with 2×3 boards. In hindsight he should have used 2×4’s, but he used what he had in the garage at the time. He then made this template to use as the cut out for his tool handles. The rounded top is a 1.5 inch diameter and the length is almost 4 inches.

His next step was placing the template onto the 2×3, tracing it about every six inches.

Here is where he drilled out the top rounded section with a 1.5 inch drill bit.

After that section is drilled through, he simply took his circular saw and followed the black lines until they connected to the rounded out section.

Place, trace, drill and cut each area until you have the desired amount of spots for your tool handles.

There will be a lot of weight on these brackets so for the final step Jimmy attached each one of these brackets into a wall stud.

Another suggestion he had was to attach a horizontal brace behind the vertical brackets to make them stick out further. That way the deeper tools such as shovels would sit nicely into the slot.

I love how everything is on the wall, organized and ready to use without digging in a barrel or a pile for the right tool.

I hope I can convince Jimmy to share more of his DIY Pinterest influenced items. The guy has so many skills. 🙂

Here’s to getting organized! See you Wednesday.