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Weary Bones

Weary Bones

I’m tired, and to be honest, I earned these weary bones. Starting a week ago Sunday night, I committed 10-12 hours per day to make our Market on Old Lake George a success. And Alyssa and I determined that it was in fact a success. So much so that in January we will ramp up the creative juices again for a Spring Sale. But we’ve got some time until then.

Our sale ended at 3pm and by 5:30, we were at Jimmy and Nikki’s house for a pumpkin carving contest.

Jimmy won. He carved a vomiting pumpkin and it was epic!  You can see the Boomerang of the pumpkin on my Instagram account: Old Lake George.

I got fifth place out of the five pumpkins entered. 🙁  I’ll chalk that up to all being tired, because between you and me, I would have won.  (Yes, I’m competitive, can you tell?)

Then on Sunday, the neighborhood got together and we pulled our boat docks out for the season. The removal of the docks is always a little depressing. I am not a winter person. Not so much because of the freezing cold temperatures, although that is not fun, but more so because of the constant gray skies. It’s can be so gloomy for such long stretches of time that when there are sunny days the entire vibration of a cold winter day feels better and hopeful.


Looking forward to this coming week, I am going to commit to the guest bedroom. It needs to be done by mid November because  Spencer is coming to take pictures for the 2016  House Tour.

Between sessions of paint drying, I will be listing the items that did not sell at the Market sale in my Etsy shop and putting back together my studio. On top of that, I have to catch up on Etsy orders that were placed this weekend and whip up some headboard ideas that have been swimming around in my brain for the guest bedroom.

But for now I am going to sit and do nothing, cause I am tired. The best kind of tired.
