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I've been featured, again!

I've been featured, again!


In the world of Etsy, there are hundreds of thousands of shops.  Within those shops are tens of thousands of shops that sell pillows.  Within those shops there are thousands of shops that sell pillows with a Valentines Day theme. So imagine my surprise when  I was contacted by this magazine

to be featured in their Valentines Day Issue!  My first thought was, How did you ever find me? Then I couldn’t respond fast enough. Yes, that would be great, thank you!

They needed a certain pixal/jpg type of picture so thank goodness for Spencer that he knew exactly what they were talking about. Here is the picture we sent, all pixaled and jpged.  🙂

And here is what the Twinkle Twinkle Little Party presented in their magazine.

Talk about a great ego moment.  I was famous!  🙂

But wait, there’s more. The blog is developed by Spencer and his business partner Kayla.  Yes, my product photographer/nephew Spencer. His talent is limitless.  They are expanding their business from this…


…and asked if I would like to be their first blog question and answer feature segment.  This time I knew how they found me, but again, Yes, that would be great and Thank You! They already have over 11,000 followers on Instagram.  That amazes me.

Here is the feature from their blog.  Thanks OurBestFinds!

It never gets old feeling like a rockstar.  🙂

I've been featured, again!

I’ve been featured, again!


In the world of Etsy, there are hundreds of thousands of shops.  Within those shops are tens of thousands of shops that sell pillows.  Within those shops there are thousands of shops that sell pillows with a Valentines Day theme. So imagine my surprise when  I was contacted by this magazine

to be featured in their Valentines Day Issue!  My first thought was, How did you ever find me? Then I couldn’t respond fast enough. Yes, that would be great, thank you!

They needed a certain pixal/jpg type of picture so thank goodness for Spencer that he knew exactly what they were talking about. Here is the picture we sent, all pixaled and jpged.  🙂

And here is what the Twinkle Twinkle Little Party presented in their magazine.

Talk about a great ego moment.  I was famous!  🙂

But wait, there’s more. The blog is developed by Spencer and his business partner Kayla.  Yes, my product photographer/nephew Spencer. His talent is limitless.  They are expanding their business from this…


…and asked if I would like to be their first blog question and answer feature segment.  This time I knew how they found me, but again, Yes, that would be great and Thank You! They already have over 11,000 followers on Instagram.  That amazes me.

Here is the feature from their blog.  Thanks OurBestFinds!

It never gets old feeling like a rockstar.  🙂

Silver lining

Silver lining

I try to find a silver lining in everything.

Last week was no different. We were headed down to Iowa for my Grandmother’s funeral. Not an easy day, but she was blessed to live a nice 94 years.

I thought the silver lining for the day was that I would be able to write for the 6 hour long car ride. What I soon realized was that the greatest silver lining was my nephew Spencer who rode along with us. Let me tell you, the kid is awesome. He is a full grown man, but in my simpleton mind I refer to him as a kid, it makes me feel younger.

Spencer is not only my nephew, he is the tech savvy and marketing brains behind this blog and photographer for all of the great photos. Believe me you will know when I have taken the picture. Spencer does have a life and refuses to live with me and photograph my every whim. Some peoples kids. 🙂

Let me give you some examples of his amazing photographer skills. The photos on the left are my sad attempts at taking a photo and the photos on the right are Spencer’s brillance.

Exhibit A:  Personally I would play with the digger on the right.  The one on the left is so….non inviting.

Exhibit B: These snowman are actually for sale in my shop.  Bless my little heart for even trying to make it look like Christmas.

Exhibit C:  These pictures are taken by Spencer.  No need to show my attempts.  I think you get the idea.

So, after picking up Spencer at his house we had the usual catching up conversations. It had been a whole week since we saw him. There was a lot to cover.

I hesitated to bring up “work” with him because this was a family day. However, he eventually asked how the blog was going.

I vented that I was not good at the technology side of adding pictures to my blog. I find the inspiration for my posts in my pictures and in my mind the writing flows and the pictures are perfectly and appropriately placed. Not so much in real life. So I went on and on about how it was so frustrating developing this part of  a post. And typical me after spending an hour trying to figure out how to attach a picture in the appropriate spot, and failing miserably, I throw my laptop into the lake. Figuratively speaking of course.

Spencer listens through for my entire tirade, nodding and taking it all in.  He lets me finish and responds in the most understanding tone, “Take a breath.”

Told you he was awesome and a beautiful silver lining on a not so happy day.

If you need to take a breath, this is where you can find Spencer.


I love fabric.

I love fabric.

I love fabric.

The designs, the feel, the colors, the color combinations, even the fresh, clean smell.

A fabric store for me is like a candy store to a three year old.

I walk through all of the racks of fabric while running my hand along the huge rolls of beautiful textiles.

This is such a process that I usually go alone to shop. But I did ask my children for shopping coupons for Mother’s Day last year. You know the ones where they pull out crayons and construction paper and then stick them together with glue?  Yep, those.  Seriously, I use those coupons so they have to go with me to the fabric store. Up and down every aisle without complaining or eye rolling.  Best. gift. ever.

In the store every spectrum of the color wheel, every fiber is represented. I love them all. A black and white fabric has a soft spot in my heart, but I must admit that I struggle with the brown color wheel section. I have very few brown pillow covers. Someday I will have to lay down on a couch and have a professional analyze that.

But when I see a fabric that stops me in my tracks, that is a fabric that I have to buy. Love at first sight. I realize that not everyone loves what I love, but I have found that the pillow covers that I make, that sell the best, are the fabrics that I love.

I was in a store recently and came across a pink cotton with large pink dots on it. It was stunning. It was simple and it was precious.

I see it as a pillow in a little girls nursery. It sits on the glider and for the 3am feeding, it is propped under a new parent’s arm for support. I see that same pillow in my daughter’s first apartment bedroom showing a touch of whimsy on her desk chair.

So at the risk of sounding like Dr. Seuss;  I buy what I love and I love what I buy.

Oklahoma Land Rush

Oklahoma Land Rush


Everything has a season.  Planting, growing, harvesting, fishing, hunting, buying, seasonal decorating and on and on.

I am currently in the Sewing Season.

This time of year people are busy enjoying the first few warm days summer. Grilling, catching up with neighbors and wrapping up another year of school for the kids. This makes for slower sales but a time I love to open the office windows, take in the fresh air and sew and sew and sew. Stocking the shop for the next season.

I have a friend in Oklahoma that recently told me the story of the Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889.  His version of this historic moment was much more entertaining than the History Channel, but remarkably just as accurate. In fact, halfway through his rendition I asked him if he was making it all up. I have fallen for his tom-foolery before. 😉 He reassured me he was not making this particular story up.   So the trusting soul that I am, I googled it. It is a great moment in time when settlers claimed their stake.

Why on earth am I referencing this event in history?

Because following sewing season is buying season. It seems that just like the Oklahoma land rush,  a virtual cannon goes off, pistols are fired and bugle sounds blare. Shoppers come in droves to stake their claim.

So many wonderful online customers browsing, asking questions, requesting custom orders and leaving glorious feedback about the items they have received.

 As soon as I emailed the owner to see if I could have one of these made smaller, she assured me it was fine and she would be more than glad to make one for me. This lady is wonderful to do business with and I am sure I will be back for more items from her in the future. By the way, she wraps the pillow cover up nicely and it arrives at your door very fast. GREAT SERVICE. – by Daniel09


I bought a drill press!

I bought a drill press!

I posted this title on my facebook page.  And I should’ve used 10 exclamation marks because I was so excited! And to add to all of that joy, I bought it at an estate sale.  I love me a good estate sale.

My family was the first to respond with comments like, What are you going to do with a drill press?  You bought a what? and my favorite, Do you even know what a drill press is?

All very valid questions. Silly, and not that far of a stretch considering how well my family knows me .They know I didn’t take shop in high school, and they know I’ve never worked with any sort of shop tools that need to be plugged in. They are forgiven.  😉

Last year I listed tree branch slice snowmen for the Holiday Buying Season.  I had my nephew slice the branches and drill the holes. I didn’t have him make enough as they sold out quickly. He did not live close to us and having an overloaded schedule himself, I didn’t want to ask him to slice and drill more branches for me.

So back to the title. I bought a drill press! What my family doesn’t know is that from a different estate sale I had purchased a miter saw.  That would’ve been too much information for them  to handle.

So I have been practicing slicing and drilling.  I have mastered the slice and drill so well that I have expanded my wood items.  I. now. have. two. items. Crazy, right?

Snowmen ornaments and wooden buttons. I am unstoppable!

Have any you seen other cool things that could be made using a drill press or a miter saw?