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I've been featured, again!

I've been featured, again!


In the world of Etsy, there are hundreds of thousands of shops.  Within those shops are tens of thousands of shops that sell pillows.  Within those shops there are thousands of shops that sell pillows with a Valentines Day theme. So imagine my surprise when  I was contacted by this magazine

to be featured in their Valentines Day Issue!  My first thought was, How did you ever find me? Then I couldn’t respond fast enough. Yes, that would be great, thank you!

They needed a certain pixal/jpg type of picture so thank goodness for Spencer that he knew exactly what they were talking about. Here is the picture we sent, all pixaled and jpged.  🙂

And here is what the Twinkle Twinkle Little Party presented in their magazine.

Talk about a great ego moment.  I was famous!  🙂

But wait, there’s more. The blog is developed by Spencer and his business partner Kayla.  Yes, my product photographer/nephew Spencer. His talent is limitless.  They are expanding their business from this…


…and asked if I would like to be their first blog question and answer feature segment.  This time I knew how they found me, but again, Yes, that would be great and Thank You! They already have over 11,000 followers on Instagram.  That amazes me.

Here is the feature from their blog.  Thanks OurBestFinds!

It never gets old feeling like a rockstar.  🙂