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The Gold Standard

The Gold Standard

Have you ever done something that you instantly regret?

Me too.

Years ago I had a to have a root canal, followed by a crown. I let the dentist talk me into a gold crown.  He said that it was a stronger material and would last forever. Seemed logical to me. Well, when I find something funny, I have a big loud head throwing back mouth wide open laugh that comes deep from the belly. When this happens some one always comments about my big ole gold tooth.  Honestly, this use to bug me, but looking on the bright side… gold is hot and trendy this year!

It seems like metallic gold is everywhere. And Old Lake George is no exception.

A little something for everyone.

Are you on the gold band wagon?

MeTV and some New Blue Christmas Stockings

MeTV and some New Blue Christmas Stockings

When I sew, I like to have the TV on. More specifically I like to watch the MeTV channel when they run the old western/cowboy shows.  You know, shows like Bonanza, Gunsmoke and The Rifleman.  I find it interesting that not one of the Bonanza boys got married, well not for any length of time anyway and how is that Miss Kitty and Marshall Matt Dillon never declared their love for one another?  I know there was more than a friendship there.  I haven’t seen the episode where Lucas McCain marries Millie, but I googled it and rest assured, it does happen. Whew. 🙂

Something else that does happen in every episode, in every cowboy show, is that someone is always “fixin” to do something.  Fixin’ to go to town, fixin’ to go tradin ‘, fixin’ to meet the Marshall.  Fixin’ is not a phrase used in the Midwest very often/ever.

However, my cowboy shows are wearing off on me.  Samantha asked me what my plans were for the day and I told her I was fixin’ to list the new Christmas Stockings that Spencer and I had taken pictures of recently.  We both stopped, looked at each other and busted out laughing. I am at such an impressionable age, maybe a little more Dancing with the Stars would be a good idea. 🙂

So now I can check the blue ticking stripe Christmas stockings  off of my fixin’ to do list.


So when you are sewing, crafting, DIYing, do you watch TV or listen to the radio? Any chance you like to watch cowboy shows?  🙂



I missed the Christmas in July boat

I missed the Christmas in July boat

Did you notice how many companies advertised Christmas in July? Yea, me too. I have Christmas items in my shop, but it is hard to get in the mood to create more when the view out my window is of bright sunshine, lush green grass and an enticing blue body of water. Seriously, let me take a quick iPhone picture for you as I am typing this from by bedroom.

Christmas? Really in July?  In Minnesota, we savor every warm and sunny day.  We only get about 3 months of this great sunshine, so jumping ahead to the next season isn’t a good idea.

But I knew I needed to get my Holiday items ready, sunshine or snow.

I made my list of ideas, checked it twice…see what I did there?  Totally into the Holiday mood now.

Here is a sneak peek at what Christmas in July August looks like at OldLakeGeorge.

Has anyone started making a Christmas gift idea list?

Have you said to yourself something like, “I love that gold star pillow but I wish OLG had a gold Christmas tree also.”

Or maybe you have a festive opinion about  the items in the shop?  I would love to hear from you!



Did I mention that we have a 21 closer to 22 year-old daughter? I know, shocking. I sound so young on this blog.  🙂

Well that 21 year-old, Samantha is in the process of applying to graduate schools to work towards her masters in Occupational Therapy. Side note: it just took me four attempts to spell “therapy” correctly.  She gets her brains from her father. 🙂

So anyway, the past few weeks, Sam and I have been visiting the campuses of her top three choices of graduates schools.

After every tour, we have fallen into the pattern of grabbing lunch and then some shopping. On a recent shopping adventure, we wandered into a children’s toy store and **BAM** inspiration struck! I saw this table top checker board made from fabric.

And I thought, I can make that!  So I did!

I cut the checkers out from the branches and hand painted them myself! Humble brag: Sometimes I am so amazing.  🙂

I love how this checker board turned out. Very rustic feeling and old school. No plug in or docking station required.

What was the last thing that inspired you?


I’ve been featured, again!

I’ve been featured, again!


In the world of Etsy, there are hundreds of thousands of shops.  Within those shops are tens of thousands of shops that sell pillows.  Within those shops there are thousands of shops that sell pillows with a Valentines Day theme. So imagine my surprise when  I was contacted by this magazine

to be featured in their Valentines Day Issue!  My first thought was, How did you ever find me? Then I couldn’t respond fast enough. Yes, that would be great, thank you!

They needed a certain pixal/jpg type of picture so thank goodness for Spencer that he knew exactly what they were talking about. Here is the picture we sent, all pixaled and jpged.  🙂

And here is what the Twinkle Twinkle Little Party presented in their magazine.

Talk about a great ego moment.  I was famous!  🙂

But wait, there’s more. The blog is developed by Spencer and his business partner Kayla.  Yes, my product photographer/nephew Spencer. His talent is limitless.  They are expanding their business from this…


…and asked if I would like to be their first blog question and answer feature segment.  This time I knew how they found me, but again, Yes, that would be great and Thank You! They already have over 11,000 followers on Instagram.  That amazes me.

Here is the feature from their blog.  Thanks OurBestFinds!

It never gets old feeling like a rockstar.  🙂