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I Seem To Have Established A Pattern: Thursday Is Now Known as Reveal Day

I Seem To Have Established A Pattern: Thursday Is Now Known as Reveal Day

I seem to have established a pattern.

For whatever reason, Thursday’s have morphed into the unofficial “Reveal Day” on the blog.

So as not to disappoint, here is the reveal on the desk I promised.

This is  where we started:

Then as I shared earlier, this is where we left off: (Click here for that story.)

From here, all of my plans to leave the top as is, flew out the window! You see, I didn’t love the aged gray paint color with the faux/cherry redwood shiny plastic looking top.

My first instinct was to sand the top down and stain it. But as I started to sand in one little spot on the corner, the wood underneath was….well let’s just say it wasn’t going to work.

My next thought was to paint it white. And then I painted it black. I wish I had some super cool, artsy reason, but no, I just grabbed a can of leftover black paint instead.

The legs and the top are both a chalky paint. The black is the same paint I used on this project and this project.

Although I did paint a second coat on the legs, one coat of paint without a bonding agent did the trick on the top!

Knowing that this desk would get a lot of use,  I did add Miss Mustard Seeds Top Coat to protect the finish.

The desk is ready for paperwork and tax preparation!

Now I need to get ready. Ugh, taxes.  🙂


Jump Right In And See What Happens

Jump Right In And See What Happens

Usually I am a “jump right in and see what happens” kind of person. Reading every word of directions is not something that I do very often.

I skim over them, look at pictures and then jump.

So, with the project of painting our king size bed frame, looming in the near future, I decided that maybe I should at least practice with a similar looking piece we have in our house and see how it turns out.

That practice piece was this desk that sits in the loft bedroom.

Although it looks kind of fancy, it is not. I bought this piece off of Craigslist for $20. The family that was selling it had it listed for quite a while and they needed this piece gone so they didn’t have to move it.

Lucky me.

There is nothing wrong with the desk. It is sturdy and almost scratch free. However it is a very bright and shiny red wood, not to be confused with redwood, and it needed to calm down. (If you are wondering, that isn’t a drawer. The handle on the front is decorative.)

I chose this paint from Rustoleum in the color Aged Gray.

You can see on the front of the can that this chalked paint can be applied to a variety of surfaces.

I took that to mean that it would stick to whatever I put it on, no sanding necessary. That was the selling point I was looking for since I would be working on this piece inside.

I also took a chance and didn’t add any bonding agent. You think I would’ve learned from a previous mistake, but remember the “jump right in…” thing I like to do, well, I jumped right in.

I flipped the table onto it’s top and painted the legs and underneath side first. Where the desk sits now, you can see under it, so that’s why I painted it. Typically I wouldn’t.

After this dries, I will see if I need a second coat or have to start all over and add bonding agent.

I’m thinking I may leave the top as it is. Not painting the top and leaving the exposed wood seems to be a happening trend.

Jump on back here on Thursday for the reveal.
